Delighted to judge at this beautifully set show nestled in the Malvern Hills. I had excellent stewards and sporting exhibitors.
PD (5, 2)
1 Peach's Kilbourne Lloyd. Yet another striking youngster from this establishment. Of good height and substance. Nice head, set on a strong neck into well laid shoulders, down to well formed tight feet. Ample rear angles. Moved well.
2 Peach's Tiobraid Solo Venture To Kilbourne NAF. Another nice youngster, a little less mature. Pleasing head and front assembly. Held his shape both on the move and on the stack. Moved with plenty of drive.
3 McKenzie's Ardneish Picotin.
JD (1)
1 Baumann's Packway Loxley Norton. Shapely youngster, strong bone, pleasing topline, good depth of chest and tuck up, broad upper thigh and length from hip to hock, sympathetically handled.
PGD (5, 3)
1 Finnett & Heathcote's Hyndsight Against The Wind. Typical head type from this kennel which I found very pleasing, with good length, nice eye shape and occiput, well laid shoulders and back of moderate length, nice fallaway and correct length of tail, moved with ease and soundness.
2 Forbes-Hamilton's Meneghy's Talek. Heavier type than first but a nice upstanding hound with adequate front and rear assembly, ample spring of rib, moved with less drive than first but could do better another day.
LD (3, 2)
1 Lewis' Luckhurst Nairn. Nice clean outline with adequate front, good length of upper arm, sweeping rear quarters and bend of stifle, small feet, covered the ground with ease.
OD (6)
1 Peach's Ch Rubeus Hagrid To Kilbourne. What can I say that has not already been said about this outstanding hound. As soon as he entered the ring his presence was felt. Classic outline, nothing over exaggerated, balanced head, masculine but not skully, nice eye, small ears, super reach of neck into well laid shoulders and upper arm, excellent spring of rib, depth of chest, well tucked up, strong well muscled first and second thigh, moves with style and grace which he really showed in the BIS ring where he was shortlisted. BD, BOB.
2 Finnett & Heathcote's Ch Hyndsight Desperado. Not so houndy as first. Grand strength in neck, upper and lower arm, depth of chest, nice fallaway to long thick tail, low hocks, moved with ease and effect. Res CC.
3 Helps' Beardswood Quinlan.
PB (5, 1)
1 Akehurst's Tiobraid One In A Million. It is often asked of the judge, 'is there one you would like to take home', well this is the one for me. At just 7 mths she shows so much promise. Lovely sweet head, clean front, deep chest, well tucked up, pleasing shape with rise over loin, down to good tail set, carried herself well on the move, befitting ones much older. Pleased to award her BPIB.
2 Llewellyn's Kilbourne Mistress Martha At Matahari. Another promising young lady with lots to like. Good front, strong rear quarters, well let down. Overall pleasing shape.
3 Wilce Quinton & Quinton's Kilbourne Marie Claire At Kirjojax.
JB (2, 1)
1 Bailey's Greyflax Lady Sings The Blu's. Attractive young girl, clean head, good ears, strong straight forelegs, excellent tight feet, super topline and fallaway, easy, purposeful movement.
PGB (3)
1 Taylor's Minerva McGonagall Of Ormanstar. A very pleasing exhibit, so well made throughout, lovely to go over, good spring of rib and depth of chest, just the right amount of length from withers to fallaway, strong sweeping quarters with plenty of drive, pushed hard for Res CC (another day another dollar).
2 Helps' Beardswood Taisie. Attractive, houndy and typical Deerhound outline, sound mover, covering the ground with ease. Well handled.
3 Peach's Blixten Star To Kilbourne (Imp).
LB (6)
1 Barret's Stranwith Rafaela. Super bitch of quality. Delightful head and alert expression, nice shaped eye, small well formed ears of correct shape, good layback of shoulder with plentiful forearm, pleasing topline with rise over loin, elegant on the move but also showed powerful hindquarters and rear (fit for purpose). A pleasure to award her BCC.
2 Finnett & Heathcote's Hyndsight Mandolin Wind. Another striking bitch, good clear outline with no exaggerations. Pleasing headpiece, good reach of neck into well laid shoulders, deep chest and excellent spring of rib, lovely rear angles, well let down, feet well knuckled, moved and handled well. Res CC.
3 Spence's Shagiead Mrs Bridges.
OB (5, 2)
1 Redmond & Friend's Ch Shadiead Lady Sea With Greybrows. 5 yr old lady in good shape, forelegs well set under and great depth of chest, sweeping hindquarters with good bend of stifle and good feet, moved with poise and style.
2 Adams' Ch Rosslyn Quicktime At Ardneish. Plenty of strength to front and rear assembly with good depth of chest, nicely tucked up, correct tail, well carried on the move.
3 Taylor's Kilbourne Pandora To Talorpeche.
David Adams |